Hotel Software

Create Unlimited No. of Companies


In every hotel, Room reservation is the primary step for visitor entry. Hotel invites Reservations by phone, through agent, By Email, Website or direct customer reservation.

At the time of booking, manually checking which room is vacant or which rooms are occupied on a particular date is a very complicated and time consuming process.

Using 5-Star there is no need to remember or maintain any diaries of room booking. 5-Star shows only vacant rooms list very intelligently at the time of reservation.

Complete Digital Gallery of your Hotel

In 5-Star we can completely digitalize customer data with the help of its fully integrated Document Management System. In case any type of verification, there is no need to manually search for documents of visitors.

Attach multiple documents along with their scanned copies

Direct Check-In or Pick from Reservation

In 5-Star, There are 2 Modes of Customer Check In. Customer may approach directly or he may have reservation in our hotel. 5-Star automatically picks customer details from reservation entry. Resulting in a lot of time saving of your staff as well as your customer.


Capture Visitor Snaps using your webcam.

Complete Inventory Automation

During Visitor’s stay at our hotel, we serve him different items for breakfast, lunch & Dinner.

5-Star helps us recording of deliveries served him during his stay along with complete automation of inventory


Easy, Clear & Professional Invoicing

In a hotel, Bill is a very much complicated process. It involves

1. Calculation of Rent for stay days

2. During these days there are many items served at different intervals

3. Calculation of other charges like vat, Luxury Tax, Service Tax, Discount etc.

5-Star automatically produce professional and total error free invoice on a single click. With automatic calculation of all the rent, food & Other charges.

Find your customer easily by room no., customer name or company name

Apply Value added Service charges like Extra Bed Charges, Hot Water Charges, Telephone charges, laundry Services

Customize your taxation structure and apply on every bill by default

Flexibility to select payment mode as cash, bank, tourist company, corporation or tourism agent.


Customizable Bill Formats

Use Colors / Lines / Fonts / Logos / watermarks to beautify your bill format

Advance Receipts

1) During stay at hotel, a guest may be paying some amount at regular intervals to hotel staff
2) This amount paid shall be considered as advance at the time of billing and hence will be deducted from the amount payable
3) To be auto adjusted in Check out Bill time


Advance Dashboard

5-Star Dashboard’s picturization shows every room position as on a particular date with advance search options.


Informative and Intuitive Stayview

View all rooms stay in a single time

Maintain your Bill Book

Generate Police Station Report


Informative Home Screen  

Showing all information from date to date like total reservations, advance received, Total Bills generated, All Rooms Status, Items Billed etc. 

Very useful for making day end summary


KOT (Kitchen Order Token) Management made easy

Fast Items entry with using code or name

Check Visitor's Table No.  and Enter KOT

In case visitor had made an order already, then enter next KOT.

Print KOT


Track Running KOT's

View, Reprint, modify all the running KOT's

Generate Food Bill 


Attractive Bill Formats



Maintain List of Cleared and uncleared KOT's

KOT converted to bill is cleared KOT

KOT Pending for Bill is uncleared or Running KOT


Track KOT's generated by Particular User.

Filter By Table No., KOT No. Room No., Item Name, Code, Waiter Name,

Service Type Like Table Service, Room Service, Packing Service

Frequent Visitors are Top customers

Magical Stock Management

Maintain Stock of selected items Like Mineral Water Bottels, Raw Materials (Ingrediants), Milk, Cold Drinks, Whiskey, Dry Fruits, Food Items etc. While creating Item Master, check if you want to maintain stock of that particular item.



Very Easy Purchase Entry, Just Fill in the Blanks. and your stock will be added.


Bird's eyeview on all your purchase bills

Issue Stock to Kitchen or Staff

Informative Stock Summary


See Item Wise Sales of whole day


Print Group wise sales Like Total Breakfast, Total Dinner Sale, Total Veg./ Non Veg Sale etc.



Bill Sundry

School has to incur various charges at the time of stock purchase like Delivery Charges, Freight Charges, Labour etc

1) If we want to create any charges Heads, go to Masters Menu and click on Bill Sundry

2) Other Charges Heads window will be opened.

Type Charges Head, select Account to Post.

Select the option "Type of Charges". Click on Save.

If we want to delete or make any modifications in Charges Heads, select the row and click on Update button for modifications to be saved or Delete button for the row to be deleted.


A Hotel can make payment entries using this software. All the payments made by hotel like material purchased from suppliers, Travelling Expenses, Water and Electricity Expenses are entered using Quick Payment option in Entries menu.

Select Date, Payment mode. Receipt No. will be generated automatically.

Select Account Name for the expenses incurred.

Type the Total Amount of expenses paid. Click Save button to save entry.

Click on Print button to take the print out of the list of payments made.

To delete any record, select the record and click on Delete button. Software will ask for confirmation if we want to delete record or not. Click Yes or No.



Hotel can make entries for cash received from any source other than room rent using this software. All the cash received by hotel like Interest, Booking Fees are saved using Quick Receipt option in Entries menu.


Select Date, Payment mode. Receipt No. will be generated automatically.

Select Account Name for the income earned by school.

Type the Total Amount of income earned. Click Save button to save entry. The total cash amount will be shown below.

Click on Print button to take the print out of the list of receipts done

To delete any record, select the record and click on Delete button. Software will ask for confirmation if we want to delete record or not. Click Yes or No.

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